TechEdge Audience Analytics

Analyse audience viewing data, trends and signals in markets worldwide with apps and software from the industry’s leading respondent-level solution

Maximise the power, accessibility and actionability of your data sets with our data-agnostic TechEdge apps and software.  

We provide a range of software and applications to analyse audience viewing data and help businesses improve media planning and buying. 

Our teams have deep expertise, working with audience data from over 80 markets around the world. 

We help clients maximise their return on investment by providing the tools to plan and analyse complex data sets. Our applications meet a variety of use cases, enabling clients to unlock audiences with analytics software, user-friendly apps, dashboards and APIs. 

What we do

Powerful, customisable apps & software

Get the audience analytics tools you need to inform media analysis, planning, optimisation, scheduling and campaign management. Partner with us to build bespoke solutions and APIs to complement your in-house systems.

Data integration and connectivity 

Empower assets such as audience marketing, connected device and consumer insights data with our data science expertise and at-scale processing capabilities.

How we help you

  • How can you optimise your media plans?


    View, evaluate and plan with both local and global audience behaviour data, by media channel and by programme. 
  • How can you derive maximum value from your data assets?


    Connecting data from multiple sources is critical to unlocking their value. Our data science, analytics and software development teams have deep expertise in integrating data from multiple sources, enabling you to get the most from your investments. 
  • How can you easily access actionable insights?


    TechEdge offers fast, user-friendly, highly visual tools that allow you to quickly analyse large data sets. Using APIs, we can filter and extract audience data to offer feeds that connect directly with your systems. 
  • How can global players unlock unified planning and research across countries?


    Our apps and software enable global clients to integrate data from multiple countries to meet their planning and research needs. 
News & Resources
Knut-Arne Futsæter, Research Director at Kantar Media explores the challenges and opportunities that the changing listening landscape is bringing in Norway and beyond
29 April 2024
Discover compelling but as-yet largely unrecognised consumer financial behaviours
25 April 2024
GALLUP ADFACTS, a Kantar Media solution in Denmark, recently published its list of the biggest TV advertisers in 2023 in the Danish market
28 March 2024
In 2024, we are set to experience an array of landmark sporting, cultural and political events – but with new ways of accessing live content, how can we prepare for the pivotal mom... Read Moreents to come?Read Less
27 March 2024