UK & Ireland ISO 20252:2019 – Statement of Applicability

Kantar Media UK Ltd is a market research organisation offering consumer and media data and insight.  We deliver research services to commercial and media organisations throughout the UK & Ireland.

Kantar Media UK has elected to include TGI and Media Insight to be attested to this document in accordance with Annexes A, B, D, E and F.  We have elected to exclude Annex C from attestation.  We have excluded any research not wholly produced by Kantar Media UK.

Annex Attested Excluded Explanation
Annex A – Sampling including access panels Sampling
Access panels (outsourced)

None Access panels fully outsourced to Kantar divisions and other suppliers
 Annex B - Fieldwork Face-to-Face fieldwork (outsourced)
Telephone fieldwork (outsourced)
Qualitative data collection (outsourced)

None F-F and Telephone fieldwork fully outsourced to Kantar divisions and other suppliers
Qualitative data collection fully outsourced to Kantar divisions and other suppliers.
Annex C – Physical observation None

All None conducted
Annex D – Digital observation
None Device metering and data collection is outsourced to Kantar divisions and other suppliers.

Annex E – Self completion All

None  N/A
Annex F – Data management and processing Data capture (outsourced)
Coding (outsourced)
Data processing

None  Data capture and Coding fully outsourced to Kantar divisions and other suppliers.