We gave the Spanish media group connected intelligence to help them quantify the sales uplift of brand advertising exposure.
Advanced advertising intelligence for ATRES MEDIA

ATRES MEDIA is a large media group operating several channels in Spain, including Antena 3 and laSexta. In line with their goal of offering a transparent, effective and profitable advertising proposition to clients, they asked Kantar to help them demonstrate the return on investment of ads placed with them.
By fusing Kantar TV audience behaviours together with Kantar consumer purchasing habits, we help ATRES MEDIA to track what a group of people watch and what they buy, linking advertising with consumer purchases.
We showed them how the household purchases of those exposed to particular advertising differed from those who were not exposed, isolating the sales effect of the advertising campaign.
ATRES MEDIA can thus analyse whether the increase in the number of TV spots of a brand (and their GRP) have impacted consumers sales.
ATRES MEDIA is able to assess advertising campaign effectiveness and share success stories with its clients, in order to develop additional revenues and its market share in the TV advertising market.
More than 30 important campaigns were measured using this methodology.