Key trends in how connected adults in Britain and globally are consuming advertising within video streaming services as well as their evolving engagement with tech more broadly.

2024 was a year of great change for consumer engagement with advertising. Particularly prominent was the establishment of hybrid subscription models in video streaming services, with part-ad-funded subscriptions introduced by the likes of Netflix and Disney+ to maximise revenues in an ultra-competitive, saturated marketplace.
Indeed, our recently released 2025 TGI Global Quick View consumer data, which provides harmonised insights into the consumer habits of internet-using consumers in 37 countries worldwide, reveals a number of key trends in how connected adults – both in Britain and globally – are consuming advertising within video streaming services, as well as their evolving engagement with tech more broadly – with ramifications for media owners, advertisers and agencies alike.
More consumers embracing ads as a means to keep down subscription costs
TGI Global Quick View reveals that consumers are increasingly willing to accept ads on video streaming services if it means a cheaper subscription, with today nearly two-thirds of consumers globally open to ads. Consumers in APAC and North America are particularly engaged with ads if it means a cheaper subscription. In Britain the figure is a little lower, yet still well over 50% and growing.

Furthermore, it is those who watch the most TV or video streaming who are particularly likely to accept ads in streaming services if it makes their subscription cheaper, as highlighted in our 2025 Media Trends & Predictions report.
Growth in action taken after seeing ads on streaming services
Encouragingly for both video streaming services and advertisers, a growing proportion of connected consumers are taking action after seeing ads on streamed TV services, with well over half globally claiming to search online for what they see advertised. The figure for Britain here is lower, as it is for the EMEA region generally, yet it is also showing signs of trending upwards.

Consumers are increasingly keen on new tech
Not only is how consumers engage with advertising on TV streaming services changing but also their engagement with technology more broadly. TGI Global Quick View reveals that we are increasingly keen on tech developments as a whole and in owning the latest gadgets – both globally and in Britain.

Consumers are also more engaged with AI, with well over half of connected consumers claiming it has had a big impact on their daily life.
But not all tech is seen as progress…
However, the vast bulk of connected consumers also harbour concerns about tech, with just under two-thirds concerned that because of technological advances we are losing touch with the real world – a figure that has continued to grow since last year.
It’s also true that, whilst most consumers embrace technology as a whole and claim to be seeing the likes of AI impacting their lives, scepticism remains and indeed has become more entrenched for certain high profile tech advances. The metaverse is a good example, with approaching half of connected consumers believing it to be a fad that is unlikely to properly catch on.

Discover more global media trends with our report!
You can discover more about these and other key global trends from our TGI Global Quick View consumer data via our exclusive report here.